Finding out I was pregnant...

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Finding out I was pregnant with baby #3 was such a joy. I was in the 2 week waiting period and am usually searching for any symptom that might give me hope of good news! It was funny, the month before, when I wasn't pregnant I had a tingly chest, and a super sore tummy, I thought for sure I was pregnant but turns out, that's what getting ready to start my period feels like. This month I felt NOTHING. The only thing that I had read was a common symptom that I had were cold like symptoms. I had a runny nose and the like, just three days past ovulation, which would be before implantation which seems impossible to me, but that was all I had. I felt nothing, until 10 days past ovulation I felt REALLY tired. I think this was the day I implanted because I remember feeling that exhaustion with my miscarriage. I am a serial "early tester." I usually start testing around 9DPO so this time I decided I would wait until 14DPO which would be right around my missed period. 
The night before I decided to test, I felt like a kid on Christmas. I was so excited and nervous, and barley slept all night. I woke around 7 and rushed to our bathroom to test. I seriously felt like it could go either way. I KNEW I was pregnant with my miscarriage but this time I wasn't sure. But I also knew that feeling nothing could be good, since the month before, I had many different symptoms. 
I set a timer on my phone for 3 minutes and set the test to the side while I waited and I closed my eyes and just prayed the whole three minutes. I thanked God for my children and told Him I will praise Him just the same, if I get a negative test. When the three minutes were up, I looked down at the test and BOOM there was that beautiful 2nd line. It wasn't so faint where I had to squint to see it either! I ran in our room and jumped on our bed, where Luke was still laying and starting crying and told him the good news. It was a sweet sweet moment that we will always remember. I called and texted my closest friends and family that day to share in our joy. We are still SO very thankful!

Here's a sweet note Luke wrote on my mirror :)

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